Read Psalm 77
Psalm 77:10 And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High.
In the previous nine verses the psalmist bemoans his infirmities:
1. The Facts: a day of trouble – For each individual or incident this ‘trouble’ would be different. Whatever this trouble is, it is taken seriously by the psalmist. What is your ‘day of trouble?’ The psalmist appears to be blaming God for not removing the trouble.
2. The Thoughts about the Facts – He complained about the Facts, the trouble. He thought that God had rejected him. He thought that God’s character had changed: no favor, no mercy, no promises – Forever! These were serious, pessimistic, anxious, distressed, perplexed thoughts!
3. His Feelings because of his Thoughts about the Facts – There is no joy or happiness. No comfort. He is in despair! His thoughts of God did not bring relief, but more anxiety. There is no comfort for his soul. Are you going through a ‘trouble’ that perplexes you? Is there no comfort?
The psalmist pauses. The last word of verse nine is Selah. That is a musical term for a pause. During this pause the psalmist turns away from his own interpretation of is trouble and lets God’s Word interpret the trouble. Many times, we panic and think all is lost Forever! We must pause and think soberly (Romans 12:3).
What is the psalmist’s solution to his troubling anxiety? Facts. Thoughts. Feelings.
1. The Facts: a day of trouble – The facts are the same. Nothing has changed. Often, we think that only if the circumstances change. We look for someone or something to blame. What if the trouble remains? What if it doesn’t go away? What if God doesn’t do anything?
2. The Thoughts about the Facts – After pausing and stilling himself, the psalmist changes his thinking from self-centered to God-centered thinking. Instead of everything being ‘all about me and my problems’, he views from God’s perspective. He explores new areas for meditation. He focuses on God’s powerful acts from general to specific incidents. He had deceived himself with his first thoughts: rejection, loss of favor and mercy, etc. FOREVER! Those thoughts had been lies. Now he is seeing the situation from a different perspective. We even see the word Selah again as he pauses some more to consider how Great God Is! His faith has affected his thoughts. Can you look at your situation or trouble through the eyes of faith? Can you see that God is allowing this trouble in your life for a reason. Think about all the previous things God has done in the past for you.
3. His Feelings because of his Thoughts about the Facts – His feelings are not described in the remaining verses of this psalm, but they are implicit in the tone of the verses. The psalmist desires to meditate on all God’s work. He wants to talk about God. Instead of his troubles consuming him, God is consuming his thoughts. His troubles may still be there, but he is no longer anxious about them.
We will be able to deal more successfully with our problems from a faith perspective, than from an anxious, panicked, pessimistic, blame-shifting perspective. We must give God our attention and ask for His wisdom.
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. Romans 12:3
Related verses for study regarding thoughts and worries: Psalm 94:19, Proverbs 12:25, Matthew 6:25-34, Philippians 4:6-9, 1 Peter 5:6-8.
Ron Cox – Director of HOPE Ministry
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