Do you think that the Apostle Paul, who was a great missionary and Bible scholar, would be fearful and discouraged?
Many of you know that I was a correction’s officer for 21 years. I very well remember one incident in which I was the only officer in the inmate housing unit. An inmate got in my face in a threatening manner. I pressed my body alarm but got no response. The inmate finally obeyed my orders, and the incident was defused; however, for the next week the thoughts of what could have happened consumed my mind. I was fearful and discouraged. It took a lot of effort to go to work. Fortunately, God kept me safe for that 21 years. I never got harmed.
Paul had been beaten and jailed in Philippi, then escorted out of town. He then preached in Thessalonica and Berea where his disciples escorted him out of town to protect him from dangerous mobs. He went to Athens without his main helpers. He preached on Mars Hill. Some mocked him there. He then went to Corinth alone. It appears that he had run out of funds and had to go back to tent making. When he preached to the Jews in Corinth, they blasphemed Him.
Even though some believed in all those cities, it would be easy to get discouraged and quit. While Paul was in Corinth, he made friends with a wonderful Christian couple who also made tents, Aquila and Priscilla. They invited him into their home. Soon Silas and Timothy joined him there in Corinth. Even though Paul was blessed by their company and encouragement, Paul had good reason to be fearful. Also, financial worries, rejection and threat of physical harm affect our spirit and soul in such a way that we might get little sleep. Worry could become a constant companion. Because we are a whole person, spirit – soul – and body, this saps a person’s physical strength also.
Soon, Paul preached to the gentiles, and many became Christians. God knew that Paul still needed encouragement, so He spoke to Paul in a vision.
Acts 18:9-11 Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city. And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.
This was the encouragement that Paul needed. How about you? Do you need God’s encouragement? We have some promises from His Word.
God will give you all the strength you need to do everything He wants you to do! Don’t Quit! Fear Not! Note: the command “Fear not” is in the bible approximately 62 times.
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