We have much we can be thankful to God for. It is quite easy to find things to complain about. It takes an initiative on our part to replace our negative thinking with thanks and praise. Even when God has dealt bountifully with us, we think of that one thing that we are not satisfied with, and we dwell on that.
Zig Ziglar told a story about a woman in Alabama who he said was bitter about her job and angry with her co-workers. He told her that he was sure she was about to be fired, because why would a company want the pay a salary to such an angry person? She could not think of anything she liked about her job. He helped her come up with 23 positives about her job and the people she worked with — the solid paycheck, the benefits, the vacation time — etc. Six weeks later, he ran into her again.
“I’m doing wonderfully well,” she told him with a bright smile, adding, “You cannot believe how much those people down there have changed.”
Well, I do not believe that those other people changed as much as she did. Her change of attitude affected her and the people around her. When you wake up in the morning do you wake up with a song in your heart for the Lord? Christian brothers and sisters, God has freely bestowed generous grace and favor upon you! Rebuke your negative thoughts and take time to thank God. Here are some starter thoughts to help us be thankful:
Eternal life, Church and Online Church, Family and good friends, Bible, Spiritual blessings, Gifts of the Spirit, Peace and forgiveness, Work (Paid and Volunteer), Transportation, House, food, clothing, Income, Service Opportunities, People who have mentored me, People I have influenced. Hundreds of even more personal ideas may come to your mind. Add to the list or make up your own list.
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
Please register your children today.
Kenn Gross is the AWANA director.
7:00 AM
Ladies in Fellowship Together
Tuesday, September 8 th @ 6:30 PM
Fellowship Hall
Please sign up at the back table.
OCTOBER 18 – 21
Plan to be in all services.
OUR MISSION: RU is a faith-based recovery program bringing transformation to people and communities everywhere.
After each service, we make available to families in need one bag of non-perishable groceries (limited to one bag per month). To help us keep our pantry stocked we welcome you to bring in non-perishable items. Please bring your items to the front foyer and let an usher know. Richard and Judy Sabin oversee this ministry.
Pastor Alfred King
2855 N. Craycroft Rd. Tucson, AZ 85712
Church Office Phone: 327-5938
Ron Cox – RU Recovery 248-5216
Sunday Services at 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, & 6 PM
Wednesday Services at 7 PM
(AWANA & Youth Ministries at 6:30 PM)
RU Recovery: Fridays at 7 PM
Visitation: Saturdays at 9:30 AM
After each service, audio and/or video is available on our web site:
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Service
6:00 PM - Evening Service
6:30 PM - Children / Youth meetings
7:00 PM - Adult Bible Study
7:00 PM - HOPE Ministry
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