Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Philippians 4:5
Moderation is a quality that we all need. We see here that it is something that others see in us. It is also something that the Lord sees in us. What does it mean here?
Some synonyms are appropriateness, gentleness, mildness, meekness, patience, and yieldingness.
The Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines moderation as: 1. Restraint of violent passions or indulgence of appetite… 2. Calmness of mind; … as, to bear prosperity or adversity with moderation. 3. Frugality in expenses.
“Moderation means meekness under provocation, readiness to forgive injuries, equity in management of business, … sweetness of disposition…” Dr. Macknight
Others say – considerateness of others, not demanding our rights, kindness. When I did a topic search in my bible program, it gave me information on discipline, gentleness, and temperance. It does take discipline and a certain centeredness to have moderation.
Sometimes it is good to see what moderation is not:
It also does not mean to compromise our principles or beliefs. It doesn’t mean to be apathetic. We must have a passion for God and desire to labor for Him.
Here are a few verses that are related to our subject today:
Let’s respond to the adversities of life and the inconsideration’s of others in a godly manner! Let others and God see your moderation!
Ron Cox - Director of HOPE Ministry
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