How much time do we spend in prayer? What do we pray for? How often do we neglect prayer?
Luke 6:12 And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.
Why did Jesus go up into a mountain alone? What was He praying about? Why did He spend the entire night praying?
In those days when the scribes and Pharisees were devising mischief against Jesus, He went up into a mountain to pray all night. In the morning he would call His followers together and choose His twelve disciples.
Many of us make decisions, sometimes big decisions, without having spent any time in prayer. Then we ask God to fix or bless those decisions later. Wouldn’t it be best to pray first? Jesus was about to start building His first church. Jesus needed protection from the scribes and Pharisees as He did this. He also needed to choose the right men – men who would become strong pillars for the first church and the churches that would spring fourth.
You might read John 17 to see what Jesus prayed in the presence of His disciples in the upper room the night before He was crucified. Some of what Jesus prayed for regarding His disciples and even us who would believe:
· They (We) would be kept.
· They (We) would be one.
· They (We) would have joy.
· They (We) would be protected.
· They (We) would be sanctified through the Word of God.
· They (We) would have Christ’s glory.
· They (We) would be made perfect.
· They (We) would be a testimony of God’s love.
· They (We) would experience God’s love.
That night up on the mountain Jesus had a lot on His mind, the choosing and training of the twelve being foremost. Some of those requests that Jesus made in John 17 He may also have made in that prayer.
As we meditate upon what Jesus might have prayed about on that mountain, God may help us to know what to pray for. As we pray for ourselves, and others let’s do more than pray for their health and safety. Let’s pray for their endurance, unity, the joy of the Lord, spiritual growth, testimony, and the experience of God’s love in their lives. As we pray about future decisions let’s ask God for wisdom and for His will to be done.
Nehemiah 8:10c … for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
Ron Cox - Director of HOPE Ministry
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10:30 AM - Worship Service
6:00 PM - Evening Service
6:30 PM - Children / Youth meetings
7:00 PM - Adult Bible Study
7:00 PM - HOPE Ministry
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