Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
This week we celebrate our Declaration of Independence from England 248 years ago. As Americans we enjoy the fact that no other country controls us. We can thank God for the blessings and freedoms we have enjoyed. Our culture of independence has also affected us individually in a negative way. Our people are probably less dependent on others than those of other countries. Millions of people go through life with no church, few friends, and no accountability to God. Many live very isolated lives. Years ago, my in-laws knew everyone on their block; today, many don’t even know their neighbor next door. Isolation and loneliness are killing people.
God did not design us to live independently of others nor of God. God made us social beings. We need God, and we need others. We must not say as some do, “I don’t need anyone.” By doing so we reject God’s design for us. We need others, and others need us. Romans 14:7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
God gave each of us who are saved the Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit that we might minister to and encourage one another. As a church we are a body made up of many diverse parts. God has uniquely designed and gifted each one of us. Each of us needs to be ministered to, and each one of us needs to be a blessing to others.
When you see someone sitting in church by themselves, it might be your opportunity to minister to him or her. You can make it more than a quick handshake or greeting. Take the time to get to know the person. I’ve heard many people tell me that they went to this or that church, but they didn’t get to really know anyone. If you come to church but don't know anyone, here are a few ideas that might help: Attend all services, including Sunday School; talk to people before, between and after services; attend HOPE Class on Friday night. You have to take the initiative.
Make me a blessing, Make me a blessing.
Out of my life may Jesus shine;
Make me a blessing, O Savior, I pray.
Make me a blessing to someone today. -Ira B. Wilson
Ron Cox - Director of HOPE Ministry
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Service
6:00 PM - Evening Service
6:30 PM - Children / Youth meetings
7:00 PM - Adult Bible Study
7:00 PM - HOPE Ministry
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