Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6
‘Blessed’ has to do with the happiness and prosperity that we receive from God. When we conform our heart and life to God’s standards, he fills us with contentment and peace. The opposite is also true. If we hunger and thirst for that which is unrighteous, we will never be satisfied.
RIGHTEOUSNESS, from Websters 1828 Dictionary
1. Purity of heart and rectitude of life; conformity of heart and life to the divine law. Righteousness, as used in Scripture and theology, in which it is chiefly used, is nearly equivalent to holiness, comprehending holy principles and affections of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law. It includes all we call justice, honesty and virtue, with holy affections; in short, it is true religion.
Note: Jesus was perfectly righteous. He never sinned. When we trusted in Jesus Christ as our Savior, we received Christ’s righteousness. We are declared righteous. That is our standing before God. However, our state of behavior may not be righteous. We need to conform our behavior to who we are in Christ.
R ight Living
I ntegrity
G odliness
H oliness
T ruthful
E ndures
O bedient
U seful to God
S anctified
N ear to God
E xample
S aved
S ealed with the Holy Spirit
Sunday, December 20 – Christmas Service
Thursday, December 24 – Christmas Eve Service
Note: the Christmas Banquet has been cancelled.
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Service
6:00 PM - Evening Service
6:30 PM - Children / Youth meetings
7:00 PM - Adult Bible Study
7:00 PM - HOPE Ministry
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