Have you ever enjoyed the praises of others, feeling you were on top of the world only to be emotionally crushed by disapproval and disappointment hours or days later? Jesus knows how you feel, and He can help you.
A few days before Jesus was crucified many people welcomed Jesus as He entered Jerusalem:
John 12:12-13 On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Where were the praises and adulations a few days later as Jesus stood before the high priest, Governor Pilate, and King Herod? Later, as Jesus hung on the cross only the Apostle John and a few women including Jesus’ mother were with Him. Jesus was betrayed by Judas, but no one advocated on Jesus’ behalf before those leaders and the crowd that condemned Him. His disciples, friends, and family were all scattered. Jesus had forewarned of this: Mark 14:27 And Jesus saith unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered.
Here are a few verses among many that speak of Jesus rejection:
When we feel emotionally crushed we are to look to Jesus and know that He cares: Hebrews 12:3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Hebrews 2:18 For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour [aid] them that are tempted.
The praises and exaltations of men are few and temporary. When disapproval, disappointment, and rejection come our way, we need to deal with these in a godly and positive manner. We have a God who cares about us. You can take your situation and negative emotions and give them to Jesus. Then we can ask God for wisdom in dealing with whatever the situation is that we are going through. Anger and bitterness only hurt us. Remember that after He rose from the dead Jesus dined and fellowshipped with His disciples. These were the men who had fled when Jesus was arrested. He wasn’t bitter or angry. Jesus then sent them out to evangelize the world.
Ron Cox | director of HOPE Ministry
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7:00 PM - HOPE Ministry
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